2015年5月10日 星期日

「你幹麼不回我?」── 一位希臘媽媽的抱怨


           (Recto) [Hikane] to Isidoros [her son, greetings. First of all] I thought it necessary, since the packet boat was putting out to sea, to write . . . me. I am in Berenike. I wrote you a letter [?but did not receive a] letter. Was it for this that I carried you for ten months and nursed you for three years, so that you would be incapable of remembering me by letter? And similarly you dimissed me though the Oasites . . . not I you. But I left your brothers in Arabia . . . so that . . Egypt I might see your face and . . . breath. I only ask and beg and adjure you by the one whom you . . . and by the memory of the one who begot you, to sail away if you are well. I . . . Amarantos. But . . . Arabia, sister has departed and the little one is present . . . I ask and beg you . . . Save your brother. For I have no one . . . your bother . . . with the first winds, but he found some . . . and came to me in Berenike. Epaphras greets you warmly . . . and those who love us. [Year . ., month] 24. (Verso) Deliver. Hikane to Isidoros her son, harborman.



尺寸:29.0 x 28.5 cm
1.papyri.info http://www.papyri.info/hgv/89155
2.Brice C. Jones. http://www.bricecjones.com/blog/dont-forgot-your-mom-a-lesson-from-the-first-century

